I'm Claire - by day I'm a marketing professional in Corporate America. By nights and weekends I'm a wanna-be artist creating fun designs for coffee mugs, art prints, and more over at Bumble and Bustle. I love my day job, but the need to flex my creative muscle led me to start Bumble and Bustle in early 2017 and it's been quite the ride already. Things I love: champagne cocktails, long walks along Lake Michigan, traveling - both for work and for fun, afternoon tea, my two cats, and so much more!
When did you first start creating?
Pretty much the day I was born. My mom had this amazing craft closet when I was growing up. Most of the modern craft rooms would put it to shame, but back then, it was my heaven. We were always looking for new projects - homemade Valentines, friendship bracelets - mom even taught me to sew! I'm definitely a jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none kind of crafter, but I appreciate the ability to bounce around and try new projects.
What made you decide to make what you make?
I opened Bumble and Bustle with the idea that I can add new and varied products on a regular basis. While I love my coffee mugs, I didn't want to get boxed in. Anything I can put a graphic on lets me develop new designs on my own time when I'm feeling creative.
Meet Gary, the owner of Etsy shop MyButtonMonster, who makes fun buttons and key chains.
When did you first start creating?
I first started creating at a very young age. I always liked design work and my background is in illustration. It's pretty cool because it has trickled down onto our kids and it's very awesome to see what they come up with now as well.

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Meet Elisa Vanderschuit of Song of a Sparrow. A talented handmade artisan
based in Lake Arrowhead, CA who creates amazing cold process vegan soaps using
only the highest quality ingredients. Just by looking at her jaw-dropping photos, you
can see the care and quality that she puts into each unique handmade item. So, sit
back, relax, and enjoy this interview with one of today's incredible artisans.
when did you first start your craft?
i made my first batch of soap in 2012 from a soap kit.
what made you decide on handmade soap?
my love for handmade soap began years ago as a girl when
i visited a family-owned farm where they made and sold
their own handmade herbal soaps. i was fascinated by the
process and the beautiful result. they smelled amazing
and looked so pretty in soap dishes, and made my skin feel
so soft. so it became something i had always wanted to do.
How did you discover your talent?
Curiosity. I found myself looking at various styles and wondering if I could create
a more affordable version while making it my own. I started experimenting through
tutorials and learned bit by bit.
How did your Etsy shop come about?
Encouragement from friends, mostly. It was a new world to me but seemed like a
logical first step into the crafting world. It was also a good fit for my introvert
personality to be able to work from home.
The name is pretty cool, what made you decide on this?
I'm horrible at picking names and probably spent entirely too much time obsessing
over it. The shop actually used to be called In Bloom Gallery as I had originally
had my charcoal artwork listed too, which is mainly floral themed. Since I've
moved sites I took the opportunity to change the name to focus the shop just on
jewelry; most of the jewelry I use features glass beads, so my sister suggested the
new name which is french for luxurious glass.
When did you first start your craft?
I started sculpting and casting jewelry a little over a year ago (2013). I've been sculpting
I started sculpting and casting jewelry a little over a year ago (2013). I've been sculpting
since I was a kid but it wasn't until a few years ago that I found out about Polymer clay
and realized I could pursue sculpting seriously.
How did you discover your talent?
Well first I'd say that my talent lies in the fact that I'm a ridiculously tenacious
How did you discover your talent?
Well first I'd say that my talent lies in the fact that I'm a ridiculously tenacious
and stubborn when I want to be. I've always played around with sculpting; from
making small monster figurines out of Play-Doh when I was a kid, to taking pottery
and sculpting classes in school.
The name is pretty cool, what made you decide on this?
Usually when I'm deciding on a title for something, I agonize over it for days.
Paintspiration just sort of came to me, though, and I went with it!
What drives you to create?
I love to make things for people, so the thought of making a special gift for someone,
or a painting that will hang in their home, excites me
How do you get inspired?
I draw inspiration from all over the place. Ideas tend to come to me while listing
to music, sitting on the beach, hiking, or doing things in nature. I always carry a
notebook or something to record ideas with, because ideas seem to strike out of
An Interview with Dawn of Tagawa Pottery
When did you first start your craft?
Officially I began creating pottery for sale in 2001. I took classes in high school and later
at the Cultural Center in Greensboro while working in Advertising.
How did you discover your talent?
In high school I remember my teacher asking if I would help a fellow student on the
How did you discover your talent?
In high school I remember my teacher asking if I would help a fellow student on the
wheel and I was amazed. I loved making a bowl or whatever at the time, but I think
that’s when I realized "Hey, maybe I'm good at this?!"
When did you first start your craft?
I started developing my products in October 2012 and then started selling them
in December 2012 on Etsy.
How did you discover your talent?
I have a Vet Tech background and my life has always involved animals. My
How did you discover your talent?
I have a Vet Tech background and my life has always involved animals. My
friend and I heard about the "No Poo routine" of not using shampoo in our hair because
of the harsh chemicals. Long story short, we tried it, loved it, then I realized my animals
didn't need all of those chemicals either!
How did JB Ranch come about?
JB stands for Jay and Brittany (my husband and I) and Ranch is because we moved to
our dream house in October 2012 on 5 acres where we can now help more animals.
We have 7 dogs, a mini pig, 2 goats, 2 horses, and 2 barn cats...
The secret 'custom carved rubber stamp sauce' is devotion to custom art
and service to people. I started to carve about ten years ago, not realizing
that it would become something that I could not put down!
An Interview with Michelle of Sparrow Foot Stamps
When did you first start creating?
I have always loved/done some type of art. But carving is something
I have done for about 12 years now. Started with wood and went to rubber about
9 years ago! I have always known that I was in love with art, even as a young child.
The talent that God gave me keeps evolving and expanding with different mediums.
How did Sparrow Foot Stamps come about?
I heard about Etsy in 2008, opened an account but was so busy with kids that
I didn't actually put anything in it until 2012!
An Interview with Allie of Crafty Allie
When did you first start your craft?
My grandmother taught me how to knit when I was 8. I've been off/on with
When did you first start your craft?
My grandmother taught me how to knit when I was 8. I've been off/on with
it since then (mostly off until recently). I started knitting with frequency
during my freshman year of college.
How did you discover your talent?
I kind of just realized I had a knack for it and that I love creating things!
How did you discover your talent?
I kind of just realized I had a knack for it and that I love creating things!
My passion for working with wood, stained glass and metals is reflected in my pieces.
For over 10 years I exhibited at both art and craft shows gaining a love for working with my hands.
When did you first start your craft?
Over 25 years ago I decided to take a night class offered at a local High School.
The class was so much fun I couldn't wait to go each week.
Never would I have dreamed it would lead me here.
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